
Jammie Phillips Ed.S
2 min readOct 10, 2022


Photo by Karina Carvalho on Unsplash


Be a good person they say.

but still be


No one can see me.

A hologram.

Like Al, on Quantum Leap.

Live inside myself.

Physical life is painful.

This shit hurts.

It hurts all the time.

It’s agonizing.

Church teaches to be respectful, be good to others.

But the others don’t be good to you.

Come up to the altar, let me knock you down, and put them white sheets on you.

You’ll be saved.

Hell awaits if you don’t.

It's supposed to be under the ground but it feels like hell every single day on earth.

Microphone check 1, 2, what really is this shit?!!

I really just want to be invisible.

Pray they say.

Try to be good to people.

That shit don’t do nothing.

Not bother nobody. They say

Tired of being tired. I say

Ion be trying to hurt nobody.

They can pretend to celebrate wins by typing the obligatory “congratulations”.

What does that mean anyway?

They say that for everything.

They really don’t mean that shit.

You don't give AF about me.


Be for real about it.

Live in my own box.

Humans judge but don’t care.

How did we even get here?

Steal your swag.

Pretend to love you but spit in your face.

“I feel we were better off as friends” — 22 years later.

What kind of friend are you?

All you ever did was hurt me.

You ain’t never gave AF about me.

I knew that shit but I still wasted time.

Tried to use my superpowers.

I got all of them but the one I want.

Cloak of invisibility.

“Nah I just don’t want you.”

Being black and female in Amerikkka, I been hearing this here BS my whole life.

You ain’t saying nun new to me.

Is that supposed to hurt?

I was born hurt the day I realized I was black and a girl.

I’m the lowest species on the totem pole.

No matter what I do, how much education I get, how good of a job I do, I will always be last.

I was born this way.


“Nah I just don’t want you.”

My voice is heard but it really ain’t.

Don’t nobody hear my voice.

So I just stop talking.

Don’t nun of this mean nothing.

All the superpowers in the world but the one I want.

Cause this shit right here, This ain’t it.



Jammie Phillips Ed.S

A loud mouth, sometimes Educator, mostly Artist, HBCU graduate and Musician. Has a story to tell but still navigating through it. Square peg not trying to fit.